A lot can happen in a year...

As we get ready to head into a New Year, I can’t help but reflect on all that this past year has brought into my life. There were a few sad and trying moments, but for the most part it was a year filled with wonderful memories that I am very thankful for.

Our sweet Oliver just 5 days old

Our sweet Oliver just 5 days old

2018 started off in one of the best ways possible when our second baby boy, Oliver, was born just 2 weeks into the New Year. It was a wonderful time for our family not only because we were welcoming a new sweet boy into the world, but also because we were providing our older son (who was 18 months at the time) with a sibling and friend for life. It would be a lie to say that having babies 1 1/2 years apart was a walk in the park… after all our oldest boy, Linden, was still just a baby himself at that age. Both boys stay at home with me all day every day so as you can imagine there were a few rough patches. In fact, each day was (and still is) a challenge at some point, trying to determine who needed me most at a particular moment and doing my best to keep both of them as happy as possible. Some difficult days for sure, but some of the best days as well. Our trips to the parks and beaches, our daily walks, our time on the floor playing, our time counting, singing our ABC’s, and doing all of the silly Pinterest activities I would make… these are the memories and days I know I will look back on when I’m an old lady and tear up about. Our 2 boys have grown so much over the year and grow closer together each day. When people ask me if having them so close together is hard I almost always respond with “you only know what you experience”. I wouldn’t change their age gap for anything and cannot wait to see them develop the friendship I know that a sibling can bring. They taught me more this year than they will ever know. Lessons about patience, about determination, and about courage to name a few. In fact, I most likely would have never started my own business if it weren’t for them. I’m so grateful for everything they have provided me with in 2018 and am looking forward to all of our adventure to come in 2019.

Linden and Oliver having some Fall fun

Linden and Oliver having some Fall fun

As the year went on, many other exciting things happened for our little family including the sale of our first family home. Moving out of our home was a tad emotional as, with any house, there were many memories attached. Thankfully we had already started the build of our forever home and there is already so much excitement thinking of the wonderful memories that will come when we move into it.

2018 brought 5 years of marriage for my husband, Jason, and i. so much has happened for us over the past 5 years and I’m grateful for all of it - the good and the bad - as it has all just made us stronger. He supports me in everything I do, and there is no way I would be able to fulfill my entrepreneurship dream without him. He knows when I need a break from the house and constantly encourages me to step away from everything and do something for myself, on my own. I love the life we have created together and am so proud of it.

Another big highlight for me in 2018 was, of course, the launch of my own business. As nervous as I was to take the leap of faith, I am so happy that I built up the courage to do it. I am forever grateful for my children, husband, family, friends, and clients at the time for all giving the extra push and confidence I needed to take the jump. I have already learned so much in this entrepreneurial journey and am excited to continue to grow. One aspect in particular that I’ve grown is the confidence that I have in my work and in myself. This is something that I have struggled with in the past, so I hope I can continue to build on it in 2019. I’ve met so many amazing Island entrepreneurs and have (hopefully) helped them grow their business or give them the time they need to focus on other aspects of their venture. Of course set backs will come with any business, but I hope that I am able to grow from these moments and that they will only make me stronger.

Photo by Amy Parsons Photography

Photo by Amy Parsons Photography

Yes, 2018 was a year filled with so many wonderful memories and I know it will be one that I will not forget. This time last year I couldn’t have dreamed that my life would be where it is right now and that goes to show that a lot can happen in a year. If you have a dream, small or big I encourage you to use this year to try and accomplish it. We will never get this time back and you will never know what can and cannot be done unless you try.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe New Year with family and friends!

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Planning ahead for the holidays